Ripkard "Partridge" Willux Timeline & Summary


Ripkard "Partridge" Willux Timeline & Summary

  • Partridge is in class learning about ancient history. He is called out of class to meet with his father, who is a very high-up leader in the Dome.
  • After some fantastic father-son time filled with awkward bonding and uncomfortable questioning about his supposedly deceased mother, Partridge and his father take a nice family photo.
  • Partridge goes on a school field trip to the Personal Loss Archives, where he finds a metal box filled with his mother's belongings.
  • He has the inclination that his mother is still alive and outside the Dome, so he develops a plan to escape.
  • At a school dance, he steals a key from his date, Lyda, and uses it to then steal a knife. Oh, and he kisses Lyda too.
  • He finally executes his plan to escape before going to school one day. He climbs into the air ventilation system, almost gets chopped up by a fan, but ultimately escapes.
  • Partridge encounters some pretty scary stuff outside of the Dome, but he's saved by Pressia.
  • He meets up with Bradwell, who wants to kill him.
  • After trying to find his mother at Lombard Street, Pressia is taken away by OSR.
  • Bradwell and Partridge go to Pressia's house first to search for her grandfather; he's nowhere to be found. They then head to the Deadlands to find Our Good Mother.
  • They're attacked by Dusts, then by women with children fused to their bodies. These are the mothers, and Partridge and Bradwell are taken to Our Good Mother.
  • After a bit of waiting, Pressia shows up (yippee), but Partridge is ordered to sacrifice his pinky to the mothers. Ouch.
  • The three leave the mothers' hideout after they find out that Partridge and Pressia are half-brother and half-sister.
  • When Partridge and the gang find his mother's hideout, he gets to talk to his mother with Pressia.
  • A battle ensues above the hideout, and then his mother is killed.
  • Partridge goes sort of crazy; when he regains his sanity, him and the gang drive up to the farmlands where the head OSR member lives.
  • The OSR leader is killed and Partridge finds a video broadcast (sort of like Skype) of his father somewhere in the house. Partridge yells at his father and vows to have his revenge.
  • He then runs outside and stands on top of a car to look out at the scenery. The end.