Pure Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Pure? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is El Capitan fused to?

His Brother
A Gun
His Mother
A Pirate Ship. Yargggg.
Q. What is Pressia's Grandfather fused to?

A Bell
A Microwave
A Fan
A DVD of "The Price is Right"
Q. What did Aribelle get fused to?

Her Pocket Book
A Tree
Splash Mountain
The Sidewalk
Q. What are the mothers fused to?

Their Children
Their Husbands
Chocolate Bunny Rabbits
Q. What did Pressia try to do to her doll when she was younger?

Eat It
Sell It
Cut It
Make it Into Kale