The Princess Bride Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Princess Bride? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Inigo carry around with him?

A crucifix
His father's head
A set of wooden teeth
A six-fingered sword
Q. What does R.O.U.S. stand for?

Realm of Utter Suspense
Rats of Unusual Size
Roll Over Until Sleepy
Round Or Unsuspecting Stork
Q. What color does Westley wear when he returns?

Q. What kind of farm does Buttercup grow up on?

Tobacco farm
Dirt farm
Unsuccessful farm
Dairy farm
Q. What weapon does Count Rugen hit Inigo in the chest with?

Florinese dagger
Guilderian star
Montoyan saber
Gelgamek spike