: But is it Postmodern? Identifying Quotes Quiz

    Think you’ve got your head wrapped around ? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
    Q. In which novel does one character say, "Once you've seen the signs about the barn, it becomes impossible to see the barn"?

    Animal Farm
    White Noise
    Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle's Farm
    Q. When Vladimir Nabokov refers to "a princedom by the sea," he's referencing a poem by which famous writer?

    Robert Browning
    Lemony Snicket
    William McGonagall
    Edgar Allan Poe
    Q. Take a look at this quote: "So here you are now, ready to attack the first lines of the first page. You prepare to recognize the unmistakable tone of the author. No. You don't recognize it at all. But now that you think about it, who ever said this author had an unmistakable tone?" Who wrote this?

    Salman Rushdie
    Kurt Vonnegut
    Italo Calvino
    Dr. Seuss
    Q. Who believed that writers should stand up against "power, corporations, the state, and the whole system of consumption and of debilitating entertainments"?

    Don DeLillo
    Warren Buffett
    Thomas Pynchon
    Michael Moore
    Q. In which novel does a character come to realize that "you're trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to own, now they own you"?

    Generation X
    Fight Club
    Chicken Little
    Infinite Jest