Piedra de sol Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

the endless corridors of memory, [. . .]
the face that vanishes upon recall,
the hand that crumbles at my touch (72-77)

The narrator is having a terrible time trying to remember his past. Whenever he starts to remember, the things disappear from his mind. This is happening throughout the first part of the poem, until he gets his act together and starts to remember more specific pieces of his past.

Quote #2

I walk through my shadow in search of a moment, (94)

This moment plagues the speaker for the first half of the poem. Time is out of control for him, so he really needs to get back to that one instant, the one where his most favorite girlfriend kicks the bucket. If he can get there, maybe he can be with her and be happy.

Quote #3

you extract my memories, I've forgotten my name, (206)

This is not exactly a Dude, Where's My Car? situation. Not only does the speaker forget his lover, but he also forgets his own identity, which could be a reference to death, when your name probably doesn't matter anymore.