The Orphan Master's Son Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Orphan Master's Son? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does the Second Mate think about the American Rowers?

They must be ugly and mannish
They must be tall
They must be rich
They must be sexy
Q. Why does Jun Do think that the Orphan Master must be his real father?

Because the Orphan Master is super cruel to him
Because the Orphan Master is extra nice to Jun Do
Because he's seen his birth certificate
Because he looks like the Orphan Master
Q. Why does Sun Moon cry when Imposter Ga makes her eat a flower?

The flower was poisonous
The flower was bitter
Ga was being abusive to her
It reminded her of starvation
Q. Why do the Interrogator's parents act in paranoid ways, speaking always as if someone will denounce them?

Because they live in a communist state and fear their son
Because they've acted as traitors and expect retribution
Because they were denounced once
Because their son is a serial killer
Q. Why does Comrade Buc's wife make white "suicide" dresses for their daughters?

Because she's straight up crazy
Because Comrade Buc insists
Because she wants them to die with dignity
Because of family tradition