Q-Kee Timeline & Summary


Q-Kee Timeline & Summary

  • Q-Kee and Jujack run to find out if the rumors about Commander Ga being in house are true. We learn that Q-Kee is the first female interrogator there.
  • When her team finally gets a go at Ga, Q-Kee screws up: she demands to know where the bodies are. She's schooled by the Interrogator.
  • In the second interrogation, Q-Kee tries to question Ga about taekwondo (she's a fan), but it doesn't work.
  • Q-Kee recognizes that Ga's prison-friend Mongnan is Li Mongnan, a professor denounced along with her students. Q-Kee blurts it out, and Ga now has information.
  • Q-Kee suggests that they get a mother figure—or Mongnan herself—to help with the interrogation. Ga tells her that Mongnan is dead, probably to protect Mongnan.
  • Q-Kee brings a cattleprod to the sump to rouse Comrade Buc. Yeah, she means business.
  • Q-Kee makes a deal with Comrade Buc on her own: she'll give him some of his peaches if he confesses. But she gives him the tainted peaches first, and he dies.
  • The team goes out to Sun Moon's and Comrade Buc's houses to investigate. Q-Kee makes some good deductions based on the contents of Sun Moon's house.
  • Q-Kee begins to side with Sarge and the Pubyok. She really likes old-fashioned torture.
  • Q-Kee cuts her hair like a Pubyok member and steals Ga's cowboy boots. But she's still keen to find Sun Moon's body, so she sticks with the Interrogator.
  • Q-Kee goes with the Interrogator and Jujack to the original site of the Texas ranch to see if Sun Moon's body is there. She suspects that Jujack has info he's not sharing. When they return to Division 42, Q-Kee denounces Jujack to Sarge.
  • Q-Kee extracts the info from Jujack, and it's clear from the blood on her smock that she's responsible for Jujack's death.
  • Q-Kee immediately breaks her hand on the doorjamb (a Pubyok tradition), signaling her loyalty to that group. She loses her name as Sarge welcomes her and fixes her hand.
  • Q-Kee remains cordial to the Interrogator as he loses his crew and his will to live an interrogator's life.