Kim Jong Il (The Dear Leader) Timeline & Summary


Kim Jong Il (The Dear Leader) Timeline & Summary

  • Kim Jong Il summons Impostor Ga to his bunker in order to commission his help with the Americans. He also takes Ga to visit the American rower in captivity.
  • The Dear Leader pulls a fast one on Impostor Ga at his shindig in Pyongyang, sending a person in disguise to beat the snot out of Ga in front of the crowd.
  • Kim Jong Il tells Impostor Ga that the Americans aren't willing to leave the tarmac, so he'll have to move the Texas ranch to the airport.
  • Kim Jong Il asks Ga to think up a really humiliating gift to give the Americans to punish them for ruining his plans.
  • As a reward for coming up with a good plan, the Dear Leader gives Ga the chance to look someone up on the "Master Computer" but then denies Impostor Ga's request to search for Real Ga.
  • Kim Jong Il takes Ga back to the American rower's cell and asks Ga if he thinks that Stockholm syndrome is a real thing.
  • Kim Jong Il summons Sun Moon to him. He gives her a guitar and tells her that she'll perform for the Americans. He also makes her clean up the American rower.
  • Later on, Kim Jong Il takes Sun Moon to the Cinema Studios and makes her an offer she shouldn't refuse: new movies, plus the premiere of her last one, with her mother present. He tells her that he wants to renew their relationship but can't promise that he won't hurt her replacement husband.
  • At the airport, Kim Jong Il asks Ga how he got out of the prison camp, but Ga won't play along.
  • Kim Jong Il is mightily annoyed by the movement of the American plane off the tarmac, since it spoils his festivities.
  • Kim Jong Il asks Sun Moon a question: if he forced the American rower to have cosmetic surgery to look more Korean, would that actually make her Korean?
  • Kim Jong Il presents the Americans with rhinoceros-horn bookends to offend them. He takes Ga's camera to the waiting limousine and snaps a picture of the rower to prove that she's really there. It turns out that he does know what the camera does.
  • The Dear Leader decides to stop Comrade Buc's forklift of aid so that Tommy can inspect it.
  • After the chaos on the airstrip and the departure of the American plane, the Dear Leader gets an earful from Impostor Ga. He tries to think of some explanation other than the truth.
  • Kim Jong Il allows Commander Park to send Ga to Division 42.