Commander Ga Timeline & Summary


Commander Ga Timeline & Summary

  • We learn that Commander Ga demanded Sun Moon as his reward for winning the Golden Belt.
  • There are other bits of information, too: Ga has rid North Korea of gays by using his "masculinity test."
  • Buc tells the interrogators of Division 42 that Commander Ga attacked him one day in the office and got on top of him, asking what he would do to fend off a "man attack."
  • Buc was thoroughly humiliated and physically hurt. Ga took a picture of his "conquest" and included it in his laptop picture files.
  • We hear from Impostor Ga that Commander Ga came to Prison 33 and checked him and others with a Geiger counter.
  • When Ga realizes that his soon-to-be impostor had a lot of radioactive materials on him, he singles him out to be his "eyes and ears" in the mine. He's looking for uranium.
  • Ga makes the Warden carry a 25-kilo chunk of the white rock around with him for a month, till his next visit.
  • The rest of the story comes out when Buc asks Impostor Ga what happened in the mines. Turns out that the real Ga tried to "instruct" impostor Ga in fighting off a "man attack." He made sure to take off his clothes to make the experience authentic. He said he wanted to give Impostor Ga "the same scar on his soul" so that they could be alike.
  • The soon-to-be impostor fought back and took Ga down. And then took his clothes. And his driver. And his identity.