How It All Goes Down
- Beth and Calvin continue fighting about the Christmas trip.
- Beth wants Calvin to ask Conrad if he wants to go. Calvin wants Beth to ask him herself.
- Calvin remembers his old mentor, Arnold Bacon.
- Bacon mentored Calvin to be the best tax attorney ever. Being a tax attorney: what all children dream of.
- However, Bacon disapproved of law students marrying while in school. They should be married to their taxes, right?
- When Calvin went off and got hitched, Bacon cut Calvin off and made him repay all the financial aid he had given him.
- Calvin grieves over Bacon as if he had died. Thinking of bacon just makes us hungry.
- Speaking of the dead, Calvin realizes that his dead son would have been nineteen today.
- No, not Conrad. This isn't The Sixth Sense. Conrad had a brother, Jordan, a.k.a. "Buck," who died, but we don't yet know how.