Piper Kerman Timeline & Summary


Piper Kerman Timeline & Summary

  • In 1993, Piper helps Nora Jansen smuggle drug money in Europe.
  • She quits the drug trade, meets Larry, and moves to New York.
  • The drug life catches up to her, though, and she's indicted on charges of money laundering and drug smuggling.
  • She pleads guilty to avoid the maximum sentence and goes to prison in 2004.
  • Jail is pretty much boring and uneventful.
  • Piper makes some friends, yells at someone about lettuce, but otherwise proceeds through jail life without incident.
  • As she's about to be released, she's summoned to testify against a drug dealer in Chicago.
  • She hops a flight on ConAir (where's John Malkovich?) and ends up in the same cell as Nora, who got her into this mess in the first place.
  • They don't kiss, but they do make up, at least while they're in the same close quarters.
  • Piper is eventually released from prison in Chicago. Larry comes to get her, and takes her home to New York to have pizza.