Lou Clark Timeline & Summary


Lou Clark Timeline & Summary

  • Lou loses her job at a café.
  • Lou gets hired as a caretaker for a paralyzed man named Will Traynor.
  • Lou and Will become close.
  • Lou learns that Will has attempted suicide previously and is planning to go to an assisted suicide facility in six months.
  • In an attempt to change his mind, Lou takes Will on a series of trips.
  • The final trip is to Mauritius, a small island near the coast of Africa.
  • On the final night of their trip, Lou kisses Will and declares her love for him.
  • Will says that this is not enough and that he's still going through with his plan.
  • Although Lou is upset, she accompanies Will to the facility and stays with him during his final moments.
  • Lou is given a small inheritance from Will so she can go back to school.