Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

The time has come. / The time is now. (4-5)

Take a look at the drawing accompanying those lines. Just tell us the closed eyes, upturned chin, and hands-in-pocket body language don't scream pride.

Quote #2

You can go / on a Zike-Bike / if you like. (28-30)

You'd have to be pretty proud to turn down a chance to go zike-biking (or half the other cool stuff the Narrator suggests).

Quote #3

Marvin K. Mooney, / will you please / GO NOW! (38-40)

Notice how both the Narrator and Marvin K. enlarge within the drawing accompanying these lines. It increases the intensity of both the Narrator's determination and Marvin K's pride.