Peter Pevensie Timeline and Summary


Peter Pevensie Timeline and Summary

  • Peter is evacuated from London to live in the country.
  • Peter hears from his sister Lucy that there is a gateway to a magical land called Narnia in the wardrobe, but he is confused and troubled by Lucy's strange claim.
  • Peter enters Narnia with his three siblings.
  • He is disgusted by Edmund's lies.
  • Peter discovers that Mr. Tumnus has been arrested.
  • He and his siblings meet Mr. Beaver and travel to his dam.
  • Peter discovers that Edmund has betrayed them and flees with Lucy, Susan, and the Beavers.
  • He receives gifts from Father Christmas.
  • Peter meets Aslan, who shows him Cair Paravel and tells him that he will be High King there.
  • He slays Fenris.
  • Peter leads Aslan's army in battle against the White Witch. With Aslan's help, they are victorious.
  • Peter is crowned a King of Narnia and becomes known as King Peter the Magnificent.
  • He returns home through the wardrobe.