Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella) Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Life Is Beautiful? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Which character enjoys life and finds it beautiful despite starting the film a lowly waiter?

Dr. Lessing
The school official
Q. Before the concentration camp, what acts of prejudice are present in the film

Eliseo's horse is stolen.
Guido's storefront is graffitied.
Eliseo's dog is killed.
Dora's father rejects Guido.
Q. Which character has the power of life and death over Guido and then uses that power to have Guido help him solve riddles?

Dr. Lessing
Uncle Eliseo
Q. What weapon of war does Joshua believe he's won after his liberation?

A jet fighter
A Death Star
A chariot
A tank
Q. To prevent his son from realizing the truth of the concentration camp, Guido pretends the entire situation is a __________?

reality TV show
LARPing session