Timeline & Summary


Timeline & Summary

  • Ursula dies after shooting Hitler.
  • Ursula is born with the umbilical cord around her neck and dies.
  • Ursula wades into the ocean, gets pulled out to sea, and drowns.
  • Ursula climbs onto the roof after her doll—which her brother chucked out the window—then falls and dies.
  • Ursula gets sick after her maid, Bridget, returns from Armistice Day with the Spanish Flu; she dies.
  • Ursula avoids Bridget after Armistice Day, but her brother, Teddy, gets sick. While Ursula is caring for him, she gets sick. They all die.
  • Ursula keeps Bridget from coming home after Armistice Day, but her sister, Pamela, is sent to fetch Bridget. Again, everyone dies.
  • Ursula trips Bridget and she sprains her ankle, but still goes to Armistice Day celebrations. Death.
  • Ursula knocks Bridget down the stairs, breaking her arm and finally stopping her from going to Armistice Day. Hooray.
  • Ursula lives in an apartment in London. The power goes out and the pilot light with it, and she lies down for a nap and dies of gas inhalation.
  • Ursula is raped on her sixteenth birthday by her brother Maurice's friend Howie. She later marries Derek, who abuses her and eventually kills her.
  • Ursula lives in an apartment in London. During a raid, she goes to find the Misses Nesbit. Bombs fall. Everyone dies.
  • Ursula stays in the bomb shelter. Still dies.
  • Ursula leaves the apartment and finds a dog outside. She goes to the dog and is okay when the bomb falls. Then the building falls on her and she and the dog die.
  • Ursula is living in Germany with her daughter, Frieda. Sick and unable to find food during the bombings by the U.S. and England, Ursula gets pills from the chemist and gives them to her daughter and herself. Death.
  • Ursula works her way through the ranks of the Air Raid Precautions department, becoming the woman with the top position in the organization. After a lifetime of saving people, she dies quietly while taking a nap in the park.
  • Ursula is obsessed with her déjà vu and making the perfect life. She goes nuts and throws herself out a window.
  • Ursula kills Hitler again. And is shot.
  • Ursula sees that her brother Teddy is alive in a bar, after being shot down over Germany and presumed dead. She is happy. She will die and be born again, and again, and again.