Fantine Timeline and Summary


Fantine Timeline and Summary

  • Fantine starts the book as the naïve young girlfriend of an older guy named Tholomyès. She thinks that they'll be together 4eva.
  • No such luck. Tholomyès leaves her and they never see each other again. Unfortunately, Fantine is pregnant with his child and has no clue what she's going to do now.
  • Next time we see Fantine, she's given birth to a daughter she calls Cosette. Fantine knows she'll never get a job to support Cosette if people know she's an unwed mother, so she leaves Cosette with a family of strangers while she travels in search of work.
  • At first, Fantine finds a decent job in a factory owned by Jean Valjean. But she gets fired when her manager finds out she's an unwed mother.
  • Fantine struggles to make ends meet by sewing for fourteen hours a day. But it's no use. She can't make enough money. She sells her hair, then her teeth. Eventually, she becomes a prostitute.
  • One evening, Fantine nearly goes to jail for attacking a man. At the last minute, heroic Jean Valjean steps in and says he'll take care of her and her daughter.
  • She collapses in his arms and dies of illness soon afterward. She never gets to see her daughter again before dying.