Kinetics Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Kinetics? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. An activated complex is a chemical species that is _______.

stable and has a low potential energy
stable and has a high potential energy
unstable and has a low potential energy
unstable and has a high potential energy
None of the above
Q. Activation energy can be described as the _______.

energy of motion
energy of the activated complex
energy difference between the reactants and the products
energy difference between the reactants and the activated complex
None of the above
Q. If the rate law for the reaction 2A + 3B ⇌ C is first order in A and second order in B, then what is the rate law?

None of the above
Q. A and B react together. For a three-fold increase in the concentration of A, there is a nine-fold increase in the rate of the reaction. This shows that the order with respect to A is _______.

None of the above
Q. The relationship between the rate constant and temperature is expressed by the _______.

Arrhenius equation
rate law
integrated rate equation
reaction mechanism
None of the above
Q. Of the following factors, which cannot affect the rate of a chemical reaction?

Presence of a catalyst
Concentration of reactants
All can affect the rate.
None can affect the rate.
Q. Consider rate=[A]2[B]. Which of the following is not true?

The reaction is overall third order.
The reaction is first order in B.
Doubling the concentration of A doubles the rate.
The reaction is second order in A.
None of the above
Q. Consider A + B ⇌ C. Which rate law corresponds to a zero-order reaction?

rate = k[B]
rate = k[A]2[B]
rate = k[A][B]2
rate = k
None of the above
Q. Consider the reaction of A + B ⇌ C. Which rate law corresponds to a reaction where tripling the concentration of A would lead to a tripling of the reaction rate?

rate = k[B]
rate = k[A]2[B]
rate = k[A][B]2
rate = k
None of the above
Q. Consider the reaction of A + B ⇌ C. Which rate law corresponds to a reaction where doubling the concentration of A and B would lead to a rate increase by a factor of 16?

rate = k[B]
rate = k[A]2[B]2
rate = k[A][B]2
rate = k
None of the above