How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down on the Farm Movies & TV

The Great War, 1914–1918 (1996)

PBS released this eight-part documentary in 1996. It won a stack of awards, largely because the film went beyond the war to explore its social, economic, and political effects over the rest of the century. A first-rate companion site provides background information, a timeline, and battle maps.

Inherit the Wind (1960)

The battle between country and city was explored in this 1960 film about the Scopes Monkey trial. The stereotypes aren't avoided; rural ignorance confronts urban cynicism. But Spencer Tracy is brilliant as Henry Drummond (Clarence Darrow) and points the way toward reconciliation.

Big Parade (1925)

World War I was the first war to be immediately translated onto film. Big Parade was far from the best of the films made about the war during the 1920s, but it provides one of the more realistic portraits of an American soldier's experience in France.