Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Address Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Address? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who said the following: "It's not often that a teacher is at a loss for words"?

Jane Wyman
Christa McAuliffe
Judith Resnik
Tootie from The Facts of Life
Q. Ronald Reagan uses the phrase "a thousand points of light" during his speech about which of the following?

His "Tear down this wall!" speech at the Berlin Wall
His second Inaugural Address in reference to a nuclear explosion that would destroy the U.S.S.R.
A public address on public television to children, in which he talks about creating a homemade planetarium using a flashlight and a colander
The phrase "a thousand points of light" is not attributed to Ronald Reagan.
Q. "Just Say NO!" refers to

the Iran-Contra Deal.
Q. The last words recorded by NASA from the space shuttle Challenger were,

"Houston, we have a problem."
"All systems go!"
"Uh oh."
Q. In reference to her status in the White House at the time of writing the Space Shuttle Challenger Address, Peggy Noonan refers to herself as a what?

A schlemiel
A schmagoogie
A schmetterling
A schlimazel