The Marshall Plan Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Marshall Plan? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why did the communist states in Europe refuse Marshall money?

They did not want the U.S. to have any power over them.
They did not want the U.S. to have any power over them.
They already had all the money they needed.
They wanted to take the money, but missed the message and got back to Marshall too late.
Q. What larger policy was the Marshall Plan a feature in?

The Truman Doctrine
The Marshall Doctrine
The McCarthy Doctrine
Taco Tuesdays
Q. What conflict grew out of the postwar tension between the west and the communist powers?

The Cold War
The Iraq War
World War II
The Cola Wars
Q. Who was the unofficial but widely acknowledged leader of the communist powers in Eastern Europe?

The Soviet Union
The Politburo
Q. Which country fell to communism that encouraged Republicans to unite behind the Marshall Plan?
