Magna Carta: The (American) Bill of Rights

    Magna Carta: The (American) Bill of Rights

      Even more than the U.S. Constitution, the legacy of the Magna Carta can be seen in the Bill of Rights. Beyond the fact that they're both organized in handy list-form, some of the Magna Carta's clauses are eerily similar to those in the Bill of Rights, specifically the amendments about due process of trial and the rights of the accused.

      Like the rebel barons of the 1200s, the American colonists were sick and tired of the sloppy way that the Brits conducted (or didn't conduct) court trials. Also that part about the king not taking forests and rivers from himself sounds kind of like the Third Amendment, where the government is forbidden from taking whatever they want to house soldiers.

      Basically both documents are all about boundaries…and how the British had been disrespecting them for forever.