Louisiana Purchase Treaty: What's Up With the Title?

    Louisiana Purchase Treaty: What's Up With the Title?

      What's in a name?

      Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

      We don't know, but we're taking a stand right here and now that the Louisiana Purchase known by any other name would still be…the Louisiana Purchase.

      We know this because this isn't the only name out there for this epic real estate deal.

      Like, if you're in France, it's called the Vente de la Louisiane, or "Sale of Louisiana."

      Makes sense, right? France did sell Louisiana, after all.

      And if we want to be even more specific—and we're all about specific up in here—"Louisiana Purchase" is really just a blanket term that refers to three distinct and different documents. The titles of those documents all go a little something like this: "Treaty/Convention Between the United States of America and the French Republic."

      Boom. Nice and simple.

      We suppose it would be kind of fun if the whole deal had been named America's Bodacious Buy or something, but really, if we're looking for a short and sweet name that totally cuts to the chase, we can't ask for anything better than Louisiana Purchase.