The Lend-Lease Act: Shout-Outs

    The Lend-Lease Act: Shout-Outs

      Governmental References

      • United States of America (1, 2.a.4, 3.a.1-2, 5.b-d, 7, 8, 10)
      • U.S. Senate (1, 5.b)
      • U.S. House of Representatives (1, 5.b)
      • President of the United States (3.a, 3.a.1, 3. b-c, 4, 5.a-b, 8, 9)
      • U.S. Congress (1, 3.a.1-3, 5.b-c)
      • Secretary of the Senate (5.b)
      • Clerk of the House of Representatives (5.b)
      • U.S. Treasury (6.a)
      • Directory of the Budget (6.b)

      Military References

      • Secretary of War (3.a, 5.a, 7)
      • Secretary of the Navy (3.a, 5.a, 7)
      • Chief of Staff of the Army (3.a.2)
      • Chief of Naval Operations of the Navy (3.a.2)

      Legal References

      • Neutrality Act of 1939 (5.e)

      References to This Text

      International Diplomacy References

      Historical and Political References