Have You No Sense of Decency?: Trivia

    Have You No Sense of Decency?: Trivia

      Joe McCarthy claimed to have flown 32 combat missions. It was actually closer to 12. Considering his relationship to numbers later on, that's not too surprising. (Source)

      Joe McCarthy is only one of nine senators in history to be officially condemned by his colleagues. Our unbiased opinion is that he totally deserved it. (Source)

      The National Lawyers Guild that McCarthy thought was so dangerous? Still around. Still working for justice. So subversive. (Source)

      Roy Cohn got his own movie, Citizen Cohn, in which James Woods played the hated guy. In an interview with the New York Times, Woods described Cohn as a vampire and sociopath, much more evil and dangerous than McCarthy himself. Cohn didn't sue the producers this time because he was already dead. (Source)

      Charlie Chaplin was one of those in the movie industry smeared during the Red Scare. This was partly due to his film The Great Dictator, in which Chaplin had the audacity to mock Adolf Hitler. Yeah... that's how weird things were back then. (Source)