The Great Arsenal of Democracy Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Great Arsenal of Democracy? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When FDR references "a night in the midst of a domestic crisis" eight years before, what is he referring to?

Iranian Hostage Crisis
Banking Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis
Conscription Crisis
Q. "There are two worlds that stand opposed to each other." The Axis leader of which nation believed these two worlds could never reconcile themselves?

Q. In line 18, FDR says, "In other words, the Axis not merely admits but the Axis proclaims that there can be no ultimate peace between their philosophy of government and our philosophy of government." What were those different philosophies?

Monarchy and Democracy
Dictatorship and Communist
Democracy and Dictatorship
Communist and Monarchy
Q. "The people of Europe who are defending themselves do not ask us to do their fighting." (118) What are they asking for?

Planes, trains, and automobiles
Implements of war
An armistice
Peace negotiations
Q. In line 133, FDR talks about how "it is no more un-neutral" for the U.S. to send munitions and supplies to Britain because two countries are sending "steel and ore and oil and other war materials into Germany." Which two countries are sending those things?

Sweden and Russia
Japan and Italy
Russia and Japan
Italy and Sweden