Evil Empire Speech: Quotes

    Evil Empire Speech: Quotes

      If Reagan had been on Instagram, he would have hashtagged quotes from his idols—like George Washington and Thomas Paine—because they're a clear and concise way for him to share his opinions and beliefs.

      Throughout his Evil Empire speech, Reagan quotes politicians, writers, and even the Bible, all in efforts to bolster the point of the address. The Soviet Union is an evil government, without any sort of religious or moral compass, and as a result, must be handled by a good government. (*cough* The United States *cough cough*)

      Reagan uses quotes to prove that others before him had the exact same ideas—ideas about the strength of the American government, about the power of freedom and liberty, and about America's role in rescuing oppressed populations around the world. The various quote contribute not only to his overall point, but also to his authority on the subject. He knows what he's talking about…and not only that, there have been lots of other people talking about the same things, too.