Calvin Coolidge's Inaugural Address Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Calvin Coolidge's Inaugural Address? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What was the purpose of the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

To prevent all future war.
To reduce the size of the world's navies.
To set up a system of war reparations in Europe.
To merge the nation's two largest cereal manufacturers.
Q. What major piece of legislation was put into place right before Coolidge became Vice President, which led to a new type of crime in the U.S.?

The Sherman Anti-Trust Act
The Voting Rights Act
The Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit
Q. Which topic does Coolidge address in his Inaugural Address?

Obeying the Constitution
Racial tension in the U.S
The situation in Latin America
Do blondes really have more fun?
Q. What's the "Washington Conference" that Coolidge refers to in his Inaugural Address?

The Washington Naval Conference, where a group of countries made agreements about reducing their navies.
The Washington Women's Conference that helped promote passage of the 19th Amendment.
The Washington Temperance Conference, where the final votes in favor of Prohibition were secured.
The Washington Washington Conference, where many debated whether or not to rename Washington state to make things less confusing.
Q. What distinguished Coolidge's Inaugural Address from the others given before him?

It was broadcast on the radio.
It was longer and more boring.
It was loaded with patriotic language.
It was delivered in prime time, with "The Abbott and Costello Show" as a lead-in to pump up the audience.