Barack Obama's 2009 Inaugural Address: Writing Style

    Barack Obama's 2009 Inaugural Address: Writing Style

      Political Sermon

      In sermons, the speaker usually talks with a sense of urgency and encourages inner changes. You know, "be a better person," blah blah blah. Much like a religious leader might do, in the 2009 inaugural address, Obama turns to his congregation (America) and says, "Let's do better—now." Well, he doesn't literally say that. He actually says, "Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America" (11.7).

      Yeah, that does have a more noble ring to it.

      Beyond the motivational quips, there is also a narrative behind Obama's semi-religious tone. The inaugural address as a genre usually traffics in optimism, and Obama's speech goes for the big-picture approach. By comparing contemporary struggles with American triumphs of the past, he tries to make the audience feel like their destiny is ordained—maybe even divinely ordained.