Here We Are Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I thought when we got in, we could go right up to the Biltmore and anyway leave your bags, and maybe have a little dinner in the room, kind of quiet, and then do whatever we wanted. I mean. I mean—well, let's go right up there from the station." (88)

This is yet another example of "I mean—" code for talking about sex.

Quote #8

"I always sleep so well there. I go right off to sleep the minute I put my head on the pillow."

"Oh, you do?" he said.

"At least, I mean," she said. "Way up high it's so quiet." (89-90)

Like the boredom comments, this is another joke about how the wife won't actually be going to sleep instantly (the husband hopes), since they won't be sleeping right away. They'll getting to "know" one another… in the Biblical sense.

Quote #9

"Ah, baby. Baby lamb. We're not going to have any bad starts. Look at us—we're on your honeymoon. Pretty soon we'll be regular old married people. I mean. I mean, in a few minutes we'll be getting in to New York, and then we'll be going to the hotel, and then everything will be all right. I mean—we'll, look at us! Here we are married! Here we are!" (112)

The husband seems to think that they really are "here"—meaning, in a marriage that's going to be pretty good and satisfying for all involved. But, as the story ends, the wife still isn't sure. Or maybe she's just crazy-nervous.