Richard Timeline and Summary


Richard Timeline and Summary

  • 1.1: Richard goes with his dad to London to get the crown from Henry. They leave without the crown, but with a promise that their family will get it after Henry dies.
  • 1.2: Edward and Richard argue over whether the pact with Henry was a good idea. When they tell their dad they think he should grab the crown for himself now (rather than wait until Henry dies), York easily agrees. They're going to raise their own army when they get news that Margaret and her army are on their way to fight. Bust out the armor.
  • 2.1: Not aware that their dad has died, Edward and Richard talk about how bravely he fought; they're proud of him. They mysteriously see three suns and think it may be a sign. A messenger tells them their dad died. That's bad enough, but it gets worse when Warwick enters with news that Margaret's army has defeated theirs. They figure that Edward is now Duke of York and should be King of England, too.
  • 2.2: After Edward tells Margaret and Henry that they should bow to him because he is their king, there's a fight. Richard's always up for some bickering and name-calling and joins in wholeheartedly.
  • 2.3: Richard announces the death of Warwick's brother. Warwick is sad, but he wants to keep on fighting. Margaret might win the battle, but she certainly won't win the war. At least that's what they tell themselves.
  • 2.4: Richard and Clifford have a showdown. Richard wants to kill Clifford because he killed York, Richard's dad. Clifford escapes when Warwick comes in, and Richard goes after him alone.
  • 2.6: When Edward, Richard, and Warwick hear someone groaning and dying, they promise to treat him with dignity. But when they discover it's Clifford, all bets are off. After Clifford dies, they decide Warwick will go to France to get Lady Bona for Edward. Bonus: France has troops.
  • 3.2: Lady Grey and Edward are off talking to each other while Richard and George snicker about her behind her back. The real surprise comes when Edward tells his bros he wants to marry Lady Grey. After everyone else leaves, Richard tells us that he wants the crown for himself.
  • 4.1: Richard and George are upfront with Edward that he should have waited for Lady Bona. But Edward doesn't care; he's king now, so he can do whatever he likes. Things go from bad to worse when they get news that Warwick has ditched them and joined Margaret. Then George announces that he's ditching Edward, too. Edward is surprised and hurt, and he asks Richard what he will do. Richard stays with Edward... but don't think it has anything to do with brotherly love or anything. He wants the crown himself.
  • 4.3: Richard and Hastings run across the stage. Why? Warwick and his guys confront Edward, take off his crown, and arrest him. They run off just in time.
  • 4.5: Richard has come up with a plan to bust his brother out of prison. Sure enough, it works. Edward escapes with the help of Richard and Hastings.
  • 4.7: When Edward and Richard try to go home to York, the Mayor shuts them out. Hastings helps them out and encourages Edward to fight not just with his words. Edward knows he'll have to fight Warwick, Margaret, and his own brother George soon, but he's ready.
  • 4.8: Edward captures Henry and tells his men to take Henry to the Tower. Then Richard says they'll have to press on to battle because their enemy is already at Coventry.
  • 5.1: Edward and Richard face off with Warwick and George. Richard tells Warwick to bow to Edward. Insults fly, and challenges are thrown down, but suddenly George decides he's made a horrible mistake. He wants to fight on his brothers' side, after all. Edward forgives him and welcomes him back with open arms.
  • 5.3: Edward, Richard, and George discuss what's happened so far in the battle: they're doing well and holding strong against the enemy's armies. But Margaret is on their tails with an army of 30,000 now, so they still have a long way to go. Edward says he hopes they have courage.
  • 5.5: After they've won the battle, Richard and his brothers celebrate. They send enemies off to prison or just go ahead and kill them right there. After they kill her son right in front of her, Margaret pleads with them to kill her, but Edward refuses. Psst: Richard quietly tells George he's gotta go take care of something.
  • 5.6: Richard goes to Henry's cell, and Henry tells Richard all kinds of mean stuff… like no one will ever love him in the future. Then Richard silences Henry permanently. Yep, he kills him.
  • 5.7: Edward tells Richard and George to kiss his new son. Bust out the cigars and let's party from now on, he says. No more war. Richard tells us that he's weaving a web of lies to take down his brothers. Insert evil laugh here.