Margaret Timeline and Summary


Margaret Timeline and Summary

  • 1.1: Margaret gets word of a deal that her husband made with York that would oust her son from the throne. Livid and loud, she tells Henry that he's not a good father for making such a pact. She's totally going to raise her own armies against York.
  • 1.4: Along with Clifford and Northumberland, Margaret captures York and mocks him with a paper crown. She stuffs a handkerchief covered in his son's blood in York's face. Then, to finish him off, she chops off York's head.
  • 2.2: Margaret, Clifford, and Henry talk about what should be done now that they've killed York. Margaret asks Henry to knight their son, and he does. When Edward and crew roll up, lots of words are exchanged, and Margaret holds her own. Before he storms out, Edward warns her that her actions will cost 10,000 lives. Yikes.
  • 2.5: Margaret meets up with her husband only briefly, just to tell him to run away. Edward and Richard are on the move and ready to pounce.
  • 3.3: In France, Margaret tries to convince King Lewis to help her out by lending her some troops. When Warwick shows up, she's denied. Then a letter arrives announcing that Edward went off and married Lady Grey behind their backs. King Lewis is back on Margaret's side… and so is Warwick.
  • 5.4: Before the soldiers, Margaret delivers a passionate speech to get them pumped up to fight. Oxford notes how brave she and her son are, and she reminds everyone that her husband—their king—is imprisoned, so they have to fight extra hard.
  • 5.5: After she and her men have lost the battle, Margaret watches as the York brothers stab her son to death. Horrified and depressed, she begs for them to kill her, too. They don't.
  • 5.7: We don't see Margaret, but we hear that she's being sent back to France. Bon voyage.