Suffolk Timeline and Summary


Suffolk Timeline and Summary

  • 1.1: Suffolk presents Margaret to Henry and the court. Gloucester is upset by the deal that Henry made to get Margaret. There's some squabbling over the fact that Henry gave up lands in France for her (which is a big no-no for a king). Henry doesn't care, so he and Margaret leave to get her ready for her coronation.
  • 1.3: It turns out that Suffolk didn't just woo Margaret for Henry. He also has a thing for her, and she confesses that she wishes Henry were more like him. They plan together to take down Gloucester, who they believe has too much power.
  • 1.4: Suffolk isn't on stage, but that doesn't stop the witches from prophesizing about him. We're told that he'll meet his end with water.
  • 2.1: Up at St. Albans, Henry, Margaret, and gang are hunting when Gloucester and Suffolk start bickering. Then they hear of a miracle being performed: a blind man can now see. Henry praises God, but Gloucester doesn't buy it. Gloucester figures out the guy is lying and punishes him.
  • 2.3: After Henry sentences Eleanor and friends for their witchcraft, he asks Gloucester to give up his staff (symbolizing his title of Protector), which he does. Margaret seconds the notion—wholeheartedly—and is excited when her hubby finally has full power. Suffolk comments that the lofty lord is hanging low and will keep falling.
  • 3.1: When Gloucester doesn't show up to parliament hall, Henry gets worried about his pal. Margaret uses the opportunity to scheme against Gloucester. She and Suffolk talk smack about him to Henry; then Gloucester shows up and is arrested for treason. Henry can't quite believe it. After her hubby is gone, Margaret, Suffolk, and Beaufort decide to murder Gloucester. Who cares if he's guilty? He's getting in the way.
  • 3.2: News of Gloucester's death reaches Henry, and he gets depressed. Margaret makes a long speech about how hard things will be for her if people start thinking she had something to do with Gloucester's death (um, she totally did have something to do with it). Suffolk is banished, and Margaret is super down in the dumps. The two share hugs and kisses as they say their goodbyes.
  • 4.1: Out at sea, Suffolk is given to Whitmore to be executed. Suffolk argues that he's too noble to die this way and brags about being in with the queen. The lieutenant says Suffolk should be ashamed of himself, and he's beheaded.
  • 4.4: Margaret has been sent Suffolk's head, and she's in mourning over her lover's death.