Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)’s Timeline and Summary

Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Dumbledore and McGonagall drop Harry off at the Dursley's as part of that whole tough love thing. (And oh yeah, to keep him safe from the minions of Lord Voldemort.)
  • He grows up in the cupboard of the Dursleys under the stairs, reveling in the joys of jumbo-sized hand-me-downs and endless chores.
  • An invitation from Hogwarts arrives, which the Dursleys try to ignore…to the point of moving Harry to a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere.
  • Hagrid shows up to whisk Harry off to Hogwarts, giving Dudley a tail in the bargain.
  • First up, a quick stop at Diagon Alley, where Harry meets a throng of well-wishers, picks up a snazzy wand, and gets his very own owl as a birthday present.
  • Oh yeah, and gets to view his giant pile of money at the bank, as well as an odd-looking package that Hagrid is a bit too mysterious about.
  • After some confusion at Platform 9 ¾— cleared up by Mrs. Weasley—Harry meets his two new friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger on the Hogwarts Express. The consumption of entirely too much magical candy ensues.
  • The train arrives at Hogwarts, and Harry joins the other first-years who will be sorted into houses with the Sorting House.
  • He exchanges bon mots with the local weasel, Draco Malfoy, before the Sorting Hat decides he would make an excellent member of Gryffindor.
  • Harry attends classes, does his homework and joins the Gryffindor Quidditch team, helping to lead them to victory over the hated Slytherin.
  • Harry and Ron read about a break-in at Gringott's looking for the same package that Hagrid took.
  • With a little detective work—and an unpleasant encounter with a three-headed dog in a forbidden part of the castle—Harry, Ron and Hermione determine that the package is the fabulous Sorcerer's Stone, placed at Hogwarts for protection.
  • They believe that their potions teacher, Professor Snape, is trying to steal the stone in order to restore Voldemort to life.
  • After being caught out after hours, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Malfoy are assigned detention, helping Hagrid in the nearby haunted forest. There, Harry witnesses Voldemort feeding on the blood of a unicorn.
  • A centaur scares off Voldemort and warns Harry that he's in danger.
  • After learning that the dog can be put to sleep with music, Harry and his friends resolve to get to the Sorcerer's Stone before Snape does.
  • They arrive to find the dog asleep, and then scuttle down the trap door it was guarding when it wakes up unexpectedly.
  • After Hermione handles a thicket of strangling vines, Harry uses his Quidditch skills to grab a magical key to a door blocking their progress.
  • The trio engages in a giant game of Wizard's Chess, with Ron sacrificing himself in order for Harry to win the game and advance to the final chamber.
  • He arrives there to find…not Snape, but Professor Quirrell, their Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
  • Quirrell has been carrying Voldemort's face around on the back of his head, and Big V has been calling the shots for some time
  • Some mojo from Harry's mom protects her boy from Voldemort's rage. The Evil One quite literally goes up in a puff of smoke, and Harry gets knocked unconscious.
  • Harry wakes up in the school hospital, with enough candy to choke a Halloween convention and Dumbledore carefully explaining that everything is fine.
  • Harry and his friends depart Hogwarts for home, eagerly awaiting the go signal to shoot the sequel.