What's Up With the Ending?

What's Up With the Ending?

All's well that ends well, and the ending to Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone does exactly, precisely what you'd expect.

Harry vanquishes Voldemort, the school is saved, and Dumbledore even hands Gryffindor the House Cup just to ensure that Team Good Guy has some hardware to put in their trophy case.

And yet, like all good sagas, we're just getting started. While this particular crisis has agreeably passed, there is a whole passel of crises on the way. Voldemort's gone for now, but you just know he'll be back.

At the ending of this movie, though, it's satisfying to see that the bad guys have been set back and the good guys are quaffing butterbeer with Dumbledore as the credits roll.

You may also notice that the end of the story comes at the end of the school year at Hogwarts. This isn't a mistake. J.K. Rowling designed here series to cover one school year in Harry's life, starting when he's eleven and ending when he's eighteen and ready to graduate. If you look at the films, they all start in the late summer before fall term starts, and end the following spring when our heroes advance another year in their schooling.