

Like Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones or Chronicles of Narnia or Star Wars (need we go on?), Harry Potter is pretty much straight up fantasy. Harry lives in a magical world with spells and castles and creepy invisible horses that you can only see if you've witnessed death.

You know: classic fantasy stuff.

Okay, but that doesn't mean we're just dealing with whimsical wand waving and Quidditch matches. Harry is gearing up for the fight of his life against Voldemort. He's got a psychotic teacher breathing down his neck. He's also feeling the brunt of a smear campaign from the Minister of Magic himself.

How was school when you were fifteen?

So while fantasy might be, well, fantastical, that doesn't mean it's not grounded the real world. War. Politics. Grief. Justice. The magical world serves as a background to ask some of the more important questions about our own world.

Wow. This kids' movie is really deep.