Gone Girl Chapter 64 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Amy Elliott Dunne—Ten Months, Two Weeks, Six Days After the Return

  • Amy gives us a preview of her new book by waxing poetic about love and the equal partnership in marriage. It's an appropriate topic since tomorrow will be a special day for two reasons: it's the baby's due date, and it's her and Nick's sixth wedding anniversary (the traditional gift is iron, which just sounds scary).
  • True to his word, Nick has become the Best Husband Ever. He meets Amy's every need—rubbing cocoa butter on her stomach, making runs to the grocery store for her cravings, and learning to accept her as she is. Nick says the only reason he does these things is because he feels sorry for Amy, simply because she has to be who she is—and though Amy of course doesn't like this, at least she gets the last word.