Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick)’s Timeline and Summary

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Ferris fools his parents into believing he's too sick to go to school.
  • Ferris persuades Cameron to join him on his day off.
  • They phone in a fake story about a dead grandmother to break Sloane out of school.
  • Ferris convinces Cameron to steal his dad's Ferrari, and they pick up Sloane, raising the suspicion of Dean Rooney.
  • After driving into Chicago, Ferris leaves the Ferrari with a shady parking garage attendant.
  • He and his friends visit Sears Tower and the Chicago Board of Trade.
  • At the swanky restaurant Chez Quis, Ferris steals the lunch reservation of Abe Froman, the "sausage king of Chicago."
  • Ferris is almost caught by his father in front of Chez Quis.
  • Ferris and his friends attend a Cubs game and visit the Art Institute of Chicago.
  • He has another near-miss with his dad, this time in a taxi.
  • He commandeers a float in the Von Steuben Parade and lip synchs two songs.
  • Ferris tries to break Cameron out of the catatonic state he fell into after discovering the parking attendant put 175 miles on the car.
  • Ferris returns the Ferrari and tries to take the miles off by running it in reverse.
  • When the car crashes into the woods below the garage, Ferris offers to take the heat for Cameron. Cameron says thanks, but no thanks.
  • Rushing to beat his parents home, Ferris is caught by Rooney, but Jeanie rescues him.
  • Ferris makes it back into bed just before his parents arrive, and they never suspect a thing.