Christina Quotes

"Come on, Tris," she says. "You're already the hero of the day. And you know you can't reach it anyway."

She gives me a patronizing look, the way people sometimes look at children when they act too adult, and snatches the flag from the branch. Without looking at me, she turns and gives a whoop of victory. (12.187-8)

We love Christina, but from where Tris is standing, she sure seems like a jerk here. (Especially that "you can't reach it anyway line.") But this is an interesting moment where friendship collides with competition directly: even though Tris and Christina are on the same team, only one of them gets the bragging rights of getting the flag. And in Dauntless, bragging rights matter.

"Because I've told them," she says, through the gritted teeth of her smile. Her teeth are straight on top and crooked on the bottom. She looks at me. "We try to be pretty honest about our feelings in Candor. Plenty of people have told me that they don't like me. And plenty of people haven't. Who cares?" (9.24)

In direct contrast to Tris and her secretive family, we have Christina and her crazy truthful Candor ways. Don't like someone? Feel free to tell them. Candor try to live a life of radical honesty—which kind of makes Christina the opposite of Tris in this one area. And also probably makes for some awkward Thanksgivings.

"Yeah." She shrugs. "Some things are the same, though. I mean, everyone at home is just as loud as everyone here, so that's good. But it's easier there. You always know where you stand with everyone, because they tell you. There's no...manipulation."

I nod. Abnegation prepared me for that aspect of Dauntless life. The Abnegation aren't manipulative, but they aren't forthright, either. (28.196-7)

Christina doesn't seem to have many secrets. For instance, when Will kisses her, the first thing Christina does is write a blog post about it. No, wait—the first thing she does is tell Tris. But the point is the same: Christina doesn't have secrets and she grew up in a place where there weren't lies and manipulation. That's either awesome or awkward or both all at once.