Dark Places Chapter 18 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Patty Day—January 2, 1985, 3:10p.m.

  • Patty is in a panic because she can't find Ben.
  • Patty and Diane return home to wait for Ben, and the house is in chaos. All the girls, who were left home alone, are tearing the place up.
  • Diane sternly tells the girls to be good, and Patty comforts Libby, who has some burns from trying to fry salami.
  • After making some phone calls, Diane learns that it was Krissi Cates and her family who started the rumors.
  • Patty changes into some nicer clothes, grabs Libby, and they all head over to Krissi Cates's house to confront her parents.
  • Inside the Cates home, a bunch of girls are using a doll to show a therapist where Ben touched them.
  • Krissi's mother shames Patty, and Mr. Cates kicks her out of the house.
  • Before they shut the door, Krissi says to Patty, "Ben is going to hell" (17.105).