Posthumus Timeline and Summary


Posthumus Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: Posthumus is banished for marrying Imogen, his one true love. As the newlyweds say their tearful goodbyes, Posthumus gives Imogen a bracelet to remember him by. He gets a ring in return and promises never to take it off.
  • 1.5: Now in Rome, Posthumus meets up with his dad's old pal Philario and his buddies. One of them, Iachimo, bets him that he can sleep with his wife. Posthumus is so confident in Imogen's faithfulness to him that he agrees. He'll even throw in his precious ring to sweeten the deal if Iachimo can do it.
  • 2.4: Posthumus can hardly believe his ears when Iachimo claims to have done the deed. But wait—Posthumus wants to see some proof. Sure enough, Iachimo has proof of the affair: Imogen's bracelet. Posthumus is shocked and hurt, and he delivers a jaw-dropping rant on all women everywhere.
  • 3.2: Sometime since we last saw Posthumus, he's sent a letter to Pisanio telling him to murder Imogen for her wicked deed. He even spells out the plan of how and where to do it. Hell hath no fury like a dude scorned.
  • 5.1: Alone on stage, Posthumus admits he regrets ordering Pisanio to kill his wife. Why did his servant have to go through with it? He feels guilty and decides he won't add to his guilt by fighting against his home country. So he switches his Roman uniform for a peasant's clothes and goes off to fight for the Brits.
  • 5.2: Posthumus fights against the Romans with courage and strength. He disarms Iachimo and then runs off.
  • 5.3: When he encounters some cowardly lords, Posthumus can't help but give them earful about the war. He's saved the day with the help of Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus. Then some captains come in and take him for a Roman. He's arrested and taken away.
  • 5.4: In jail, Posthumus just wants to die. He feels bad for killing off his wife and thinks death should be his punishment. He has a crazy dream about his ancestors and Jupiter talking to each another, and he receives an oracle he can't interpret. Then he's summoned before the king.
  • 5.5: Before the king, a young boy asks Iachimo about his ring. Iachimo comes clean about his lies, and Posthumus can't take it. He punches Iachimo and would go in for the fight if he weren't stopped. It turns out the mysterious boy is Imogen, alive after all. They hug and make up. Then Posthumus decides to forgive Iachimo and move on. He has Imogen, so what more could he ask for?