Pisanio Timeline and Summary


Pisanio Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: Pisanio comes in with a report that just as his master (Posthumus) was leaving, he ran in to Cloten, and Cloten drew his sword on him. No harm, no foul: Posthumus was the bigger man about it and just shrugged it off.
  • 1.4: Posthumus sends Pisanio to wait on Imogen hand and foot, or something like that. Pisanio promises to be a trusty servant to his master's wife.
  • 1.6: The Queen summons Pisanio and asks him to bring word that Imogen has stopped crying over silly old Posthumus and that she loves Cloten instead. Translation: help me out, and I'll give you some presents. Pisanio tells us he'd never betray his master that way. The Queen also accidentally on purpose gives him a medicine (or secret potion) and tells him it has healing powers. It actually kills anyone who drinks it, but Pisanio doesn't know that.
  • 1.7: Pisanio announces that Iachimo has arrived from Rome with news of his master.
  • 2.3: Imogen is worried about losing her bracelet and tells Pisanio to ask around about it.
  • 3.2: After receiving a letter from his master, Pisanio is shocked. The letter tells him that Imogen is a cheater and must be killed—by him. He follows Posthumus's instructions to give another letter to Imogen, but he admits this will not be the end of the story.
  • 3.4: Pisanio has lured Imogen to the woods just as Posthumus told him to. Then he comes clean: he shows Imogen the letter from Posthumus and tells her he can't go through with killing her. Instead, he's figured out someone else must be behind these vicious rumors, so he helps Imogen plan what to do next by giving her a change of (boy's) clothes.
  • 3.5: Back at the castle, Pisanio is questioned by Cloten about where Imogen went. Thinking she's probably already made it away safely, he tells Cloten she's run off to Milford to catch up with Posthumus.
  • 4.3: Cymbeline questions Pisanio about the whereabouts of Cloten. He's furious and accuses Pisanio of shady dealings, but a lord comes to his defense. Pisanio knows the truth will come out eventually, after which his reputation will be fine.
  • 5.5: Pisanio recognizes Fidele as Imogen and is shocked when she accuses him of poisoning her. Luckily, Cornelius tells everyone the truth about the potion and saves the day. Pisanio is off the hook and happy that his master and mistress are together at last.