Imogen Timeline and Summary


Imogen Timeline and Summary

  • 1.2: Imogen has to say goodbye to her hubby because her new evil stepmother wants her to marry her son Cloten. Cue the waterworks. Imogen gives Posthumus a ring to remember her by, and she gets a fancy-schmansy bracelet in return.
  • 1.4: Imogen gets a new servant: Posthumus sends Pisanio her way to care of her while she's gone.
  • 1.7: Imogen is happy when a visitor from Rome comes with news of her husband. But she quickly changes her tune when she realizes Iachimo's plan to seduce her. Crisis averted. And guess what? It was all just a test. Or so Iachimo would like her to think.
  • 2.2: Almost ready to go off to sleep, Imogen says goodnight to her maid and finishes reading. While she's asleep, Iachimo comes out of his hiding place and steals her bracelet.
  • 2.3: Imogen is freaked out because her bracelet is missing. As she's searching high and low, Cloten comes in and tries to woo her… again. Enough already: she tells him she'll never love him. Ever. He swears to get his revenge. Dun. Dun. Dun.
  • 3.2: A letter arrives from Posthumus, telling Imogen to meet him at Milford-Haven. Imogen is relieved and excited by the news.
  • 3.4: Are we there yet? Imogen wants to know where Pisanio is leading her and why she can't see Posthumus yet. When Pisanio reveals that Posthumus isn't actually coming, and that he's ordered him to kill her, Imogen flips. But then she goes along with Pisanio's plan to dress as a guy and hop on over to Rome in hopes of finding Posthumus and the villain who's slandered her name. Challenge accepted.
  • 3.6: Imogen is lost. She's not sure if Pisanio lied to her, or if she lost the way on her own, but she finds a cave and goes inside.
  • 3.7: When Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus Imogen (dressed up as "Fidele") in their cave, they're surprised, to say the least. But it's not long before she becomes BFFs with her companions. (Psst. She doesn't know that Guiderius and Arviragus are actually her long-lost brothers.)
  • 4.2: Imogen is sick from traveling around. She stays at home in the cave while Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus go out hunting. Thinking she has medicine, Imogen takes the potion, er, poison that the Queen gave to Pisanio. She dies—er, "dies," Snow-White style. Belarius, Guiderius, and Arviragus bury her. A little while later, she wakes up and sees a dead body—which she assumes is Posthumus—next to her. She's really upset, but doesn't even have time to mourn, because just then, Lucius and his fellows enter. She asks them if they need a servant, and it turns out they do, so she joins up with them (still as Fidele).
  • 5.5: Imogen and her fellow Roman soldiers have been captured by the British. Luckily, Lucius asks Cymbeline for mercy for Fidele, and the king grants it. Imogen asks for Iachimo to explain where he got the ring that's on his finger. He reveals the entire story and clears her name. She reunites with her hubby, and then with her brothers as well, and she forgives her dad for being controlled by the evil Queen.