Iachimo Timeline and Summary


Iachimo Timeline and Summary

  • 1.5: Over in Rome, Iachimo makes a bet with Posthumus that he can get Posthumus's lady to cheat on him. What's in it for him? Well, there's the challenge, first of all. Plus, he likes the idea of outsmarting Posthumus and getting his hands on Posthumus's pretty ring.
  • 1.7: Iachimo weasels his way in to see Imogen and lies to her about what Posthumus has been up to in Rome. When she doesn't take the bait, he pretends the whole thing was just a test to see if she's honest. Oh, and by the way, can he store a trunk in her room that night? For Posthumus, of course. Luckily, she agrees.
  • 2.2: Hidden in the trunk, Iachimo enters Imogen's room without her knowledge. While she's sleeping, he steals her bracelet. Then he takes a peak at her room and at her body to get more proof for Posthumus.
  • 2.4: Back in Rome, Iachimo convinces Posthumus that Imogen cheated on him. It's all smoke and mirrors of course, but Posthumus buys it and hands over his ring.
  • 5.1: Iachimo fights with the British before being disarmed by Posthumus. He feels bad that he isn't really an honorable guy after all the lies he told to Posthumus. What's a guy to do?
  • 5.5: When he's asked by Fidele (Imogen) to tell the story behind his ring, he's totally confused. But, seeing as he's a captive and the king tells him to, he goes for it. Iachimo gives the crowd all the deets. Much to his surprise, Posthumus and Imogen are right there. Iachimo apologizes, and Posthumus tells him to treat other people better in the future. He gets off pretty easy.