
Character Role Analysis

Iachimo to Posthumus; Cloten to Posthumus; Arviragus and Guiderius to Cloten

Iachimo: Everyone seems to fall in love with Imogen after spending about 2.5 seconds with her: she's just that loveable. But these suitors have more than just their love in common. They're all there to make us think about what kind of guy Posthumus is.

Iachimo is pure evil. He lies and cheats to win the bet with Posthumus, and he even forces his way into Imogen's private room. Cloten is no different. When being a decent suitor doesn't work out for him, he turns nasty and vindictive: he promises to rape Imogen for insulting him. Yikes. It's clear that Iachimo and Cloten are both after Imogen, and they both will do whatever it takes to get her.
Posthumus, on the other hand, plays by the rules. He might be gullible and foolish for making that bet with Iachimo in the first place, but we know he means well in the end. He's courageous and fights for his country even when it chewed him up and spit him out. In most ways, he couldn't be further from the slimy suitors who try to steal Imogen from him. No wonder she picked this guy.

Arviragus and Guiderius: Shakespeare seems to be asking us what makes a real prince in the play. Is it someone who wears fancy clothes, hires a bunch of musicians, and brags about his swordsmanship? Ahem... someone like Cloten? Or is it someone who fights for what's right when no one else is watching, defends his honor, and helps out a youngster in need?

You guessed it: that second description pretty much sums up Arviragus and Guiderius. Cloten is more interested in appearances and titles than anything else, while Arviragus and Guiderius care about their country and their sister, even when they don't even know their own past or their own identity. It's just in their blood.