Cymbeline, King of Britain Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Cymbeline, King of Britain? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who reunites with family members who are actually dead?

Q. Which one favor does Fidele ask of the king?

To pardon Posthumus
To forget the Queen
To kill Cloten
To make Iachimo answer a question
Q. What does Cymbeline do to Belarius when he finds out he kidnapped his children?

He forgives him
He kills him
He imprisons him
He sells him to the Romans
Q. Who interprets the oracle that Posthumus received

the Soothsayer
the Druid
Q. What happens with the Romans?

They are beheaded
They are sent back to Rome unharmed
They are sent back to Rome in a box
They have a movie night and watch 300