Belarius Timeline and Summary


Belarius Timeline and Summary

  • 3.3: Belarius talks to his boys about the fact that they want more adventure in their lives. When they run off to hunt, Belarius fills us in on a little secret—er, make that a huge secret: he's not really their father. They are actually princes, the sons of Cymbeline, and he kidnapped them long ago.
  • 3.7: When a young boy shows up at their cave, Belarius, Arviragus, and Guiderius are confused. They become fast friends and take Fidele (a.k.a. Imogen) in shortly afterwards.
  • 4.2: Belarius, Arviragus, and Guiderius want to go hunting, but Imogen is sick, and they are worried. They leave the cave, and after Guiderius kills Cloten, Belarius insists they give him a proper burial. Then they find that Imogen has died, too. Arviragus and Guiderius are deeply saddened and give her a proper funeral.
  • 4.4: Arviragus and Guiderius want to fight the Romans who are invading, but Belarius isn't so sure. After much debate, the sons convince Belarius, and the three march off to join the battle.
  • 5.1: Belarius, Arviragus, and Guiderius save Cymbeline's life. Not only do the rescue him; they also win the war for Britain (with a little help from a disguised Posthumus).
  • 5.5: Belarius, Arviragus, and Guiderius recognize Imogen and are somewhat confused since they buried her and all. She explains about the potion, and they all rejoice together. Then Belarius finally tells the boys and Cymbeline the truth: that he stole the boys many years ago. He is relieved when Cymbeline forgives him and lets bygones be bygones.