Irene Reilly (Mrs. Reilly) Timeline & Summary


Irene Reilly (Mrs. Reilly) Timeline & Summary

  • Officer Mancuso tries to arrest Ignatius; Mrs. Reilly berates him and ends up getting him to arrest Claude Robichaux instead.
  • Mrs. Reilly and Ignatius retreat to the Night of Joy, where Mrs. Reilly drinks a lot.
  • She gets in her car and crashes into a building; Officer Mancuso helps her out, but Mrs. Reilly is faced with major bills for the damage to the building.
  • She tells Ignatius he has to go to work.
  • Mrs. Reilly becomes friends with Officer Mancuso and his aunt, Santa; the three of them often go bowling.
  • Santa arranges a meeting between Claude Robichaux and Mrs. Reilly. Claude not only forgives her for the arrest, but is interested in dating her.
  • Mrs. Reilly becomes increasingly disillusioned and angry with Ignatius as his job hunt flounders.
  • She discovers that he forged a letter when he worked for Levy Pants; she thinks he may be indicted for forgery and forced to pay $500,000 in damages.
  • To protect him, and at Santa's urging, she calls the Charity Hospital to have Ignatius committed to the psychiatric ward.
  • She leaves planning to marry Claude. Unbeknownst to her, Ignatius escapes with Myrna to New York.