Chicago Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Chicago? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Roxie really want to be famous for?

being a nightclub singer
being an adulteress
being an ex-con
being an Oscar-winning actress
Q. Billy is portrayed as what in the song, "We Both Reached for the Gun"?

a ventriloquist
a shoeshine boy
an artist
a politician
Q. Each of the women in the "Cell Block Tango" describe what?

how they're going to make money
why they're going to be famous
how they killed their man
how they're going to get on Dancing with the Stars
Q. Roxie flashes what sexy garment during her trial to get attention from the press?

her bra
stiletto heels
Velma's garter
granny panties
Q. What type of music is blamed for the decline of society?

Tuvan throat music