Blade Runner Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Blade Runner? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is a replicant?

a metallic spider-shaped robot
a computerized hologram of a human
an artificially created being virtually identical to a human
a back-up dancer on Madonna's comeback tour
Q. How does J. F. Sebastian view the toys he creates and lives with in his apartment?

as his friends
as his enemies
as a means of recreating old Monty Python skits
as slaves
Q. What's the deal with Rachael's family photos?

She had to steal them from a secret archive
They encrypt a secret access code to the Tyrell Corporation's mainframe computer
they're fake and are based on false memories
They record a crazy day at Disneyland
Q. For what does Roy ask Dr. Tyrell when he meets him?

"More money"
"More power"
"More s'mores"
"More life"
Q. What two symbolic actions does Roy perform at the end of the movie?

Pointing towards the sun and dipping his head in water
Crushing an insect with his boot and firing a gun at the moon
Eating a pickled beet and then wincing bitterly
Driving a nail through his hand and releasing a dove